
Today I am sitting outside on my patio, ocean breeze to fill my lungs, the steep mountain before me is filling my gaze with wonder.

Our Mother Earth is a powerful force of beauty, strength and resilience. I am in awe of just feeling the sun on my skin, the wind on my shoulders, the earh beneath my feet, and the vast sky above me.

All of the words written above is a pure reflection of my experience from a day a couple of weeks ago.

I was honored to be a part of a retreat with the theme of EMPOWERMENT.

Today, is a day of reflection and absorbing what I experienced during that day.

What does Empowerment mean? What does Empowerment mean for you?

The word Empowerment was not just a theme for the retreat yesterday, its was also an intention that the participants would walk away from the retreat and feel Empowered.

Do I feel Empowered?

Yes, I actually do. I am sitting here writing again. It has been six months since I last wrote something publicly. So hitting the letters on the keyboard with my fingertips, I feel that a new version of me is coming back. As I hear the clicks while typing, my heart is right here, right now. That is how it always have been when letters become words, words become sentences, sentences become a paragraph etc. I am in the now with my heart, and I feel the life force lit up from within. A light within me that has been too dim for too long. By writing, I am me again. I departed from writing for awhile, and that was the same thing as to depart from myself.

I have been writing since I was young, and that is a way for me to channel both feelings and thoughts. Writing is a part of who I am.

As I stopped writing for several months, a part of myself died. A vital part for me to feel truly alive.

To feel present in the now, experiencing feelings of purpose and inner strength, is to feel truly empowered. For me.

I feel an immense joy while creating words, and I feel that I am capable of doing it. The words and my message though is for you. If I can reach you with my words, heart to heart, then I have done something to make us all feel the empowerment of being a community.

For me though, EMPOWERMENT comes with the feeling that we are creating connections with love.

Connecting is love.

Love is connecting.

What can be more EMPOWERING than to feel the EMPOWERMENT of love?

Love for creating our own life.

Love for one another.

Love for Mother Earth.

Love for one self.

I am doing something right now with love, joy, purpose, and that makes me feel Empowered. What makes you feel empowered?

At this very moment, I am creating connections through my words. Connection with You, who are reading it.

If we can connect, then we all feel Empowered.

Empowered to carry on with a peaceful heart and mind.

Empowered to never loose the curiosity for growth.

Empowered to believe in ourself.

Empowered to support and believe in others.

Empowered to live with our hearts open and our armor off.

Empowered to choose connections with love.

Empowered to seize the day.

Empowered to be compassionate towards others, and one self.

Empowered to dream and step by step make the dream our reality.

Empowered to dare to love.

