Super Moon

IMG_0469 Last night was the final Super moon, completing a trio of Super moons that began in July.  This September, the Super moon was the brightest Moon of the year.

Did you all see it?  Did you feel it?

I did the same thing as I did last time.  Around midnight I wandered out on the porch and looked up at a dark clouded sky.  Through a cloud, the moon blinded me as much as the sun in daylight.  I stood still, and was fixated on the moon's beauty.  With every breath, I filled my lungs with the night's power of magic.

As usual I felt a restlessness that later made me sleepless.  For once I did not panic about that I could not settled down to sleep.  I let the energy flow through my body, mind and heart.  Instead of resisting the moon's impact on my rest, I embraced it.  I surrendered to the energy that was flooding my body.

I welcomed this morning with a sleepy body, but an energized mind.  I had used the moon's energy to restore my creativity during my hours awake at night.  Today I am walking around with a productive mind and a grateful heart.  Grateful that I was able to witness the magic of the universe, and feel the moon's pull turning into energy.  An energy  that ripped right through me.  I felt alive, I am alive.


Welcome September!


Welcome September - the first month of the fall!

I have always loved September for various reasons.  There is a shift, not just in the weather but in life.  It is time for kids to go back to school, and us adults to continue on with life's responsibilities.  Everyday life comes knocking at the door when September arrives.  It is a welcome knock.

I am pretty certain that if we would have endless lazy summer days all the time, we would not appreciate them.  As the air gets cooler, I am letting the summer linger within instead.

I am full of bright and warm memories from this past summer, and I hope it is the same for you.  The memories are not going anywhere, as we make our way into the fall.

You can bring out those summer days any day you wish.  Let your imagination fly, and summer lives within you all year round.

I embrace September with open arms, without completely saying goodbye to summer.  Summer likes to persist.

A Candle for Love

image On my last day in Sweden this time around, I had one last thing to do.   I had to visit "my" church.  Not to listen to a sermon, and not to pray.   I went there to light a candle.  Like I used to do with My Angel Mormor, Grandmother, I lit a candle and put it in the "Globe of Light".

My thoughts wandered to My Angel in Heaven, and also to all whom I love that still walk this earth.   The love that I feel for certain people in my life is a love that never will reach the ravine's bottom with its darkness.   This love will never stop shining.   To light a candle for someone is like a prayer.  Today I lit a candle for the people who always will have a special place in my heart.   A Candle for Love.

Paradise on Earth

I stepped onto our boat and sat down outside. The water was smooth like butter when we crossed the bay. I let the ocean air kiss my cheeks and fill my lungs. A sense of freedom came over me as we approached the island. It wasn't just any island I was going to visit.It's an island where my soul always finds complete peace the minute that I step off the boat. It's the island that I've returned to every summer since early childhood. It nurtures both my soul and heart like no other place. My Paradise on Earth. 20140715-230538-83138125.jpg