New Year

IMG_5682 The normal thing would be to write "Happy New Year" as the title, but I opted out of that.  Not because I don't want you all to be happy, I do.  I just wish for more than that, or to be more specific: I wish for happiness every day for everyone, not just as we start a New Year.

Why do we think everything will be different the day after New Years Eve?  It won't, it is just another day.  We should always strive to be a better version of ourselves, every new day.  So don't wait with your promises, wishes, hopes and dreams.  Live them each and every day, while you can.

Some say that they are now closing the door to 2014.  Mine is still wide open, and will continue to be so.  So if you have been in my life 2014, I am grateful for your presence.  Please walk through the door with me into 2015.

This past year has been difficult at times.  I had to say farewell to a loved one, and I have been fighting a chronic illness every hour of every day.  I have known emotional and physical pain to the limits.  Only the closest ones in my life have seen me at my darkest hours, and those were not pretty moments.  What they are though is life.  With all the sorrow and pain from this past year, there have been many uplifting amazing moments as well thrown into the mix.  Life is just that: a mix of ups and downs.

So I am not closing my door to this past year, as I need it to be open to remind me of my lessons in life.  All the bad with all the good are now memories.  Memories that I will carry with me into the New Year.  The memories are experiences that makes me ME.  To close the door on 2014 would be like closing my heart.  I choose to live life with an open heart, and plan to dare to open it more and more as I live.

I will walk into 2015 with an open book that is my life so far.  I treasure all that life has taught me through the highs and lows.  I ride on the highs, and rest on the lows.  My life is not a closed book, only some closed chapters with a story still being written.

I hope that you will be a part of the chapters of my life next year.  Who knows where life will take us.  Let's walk into 2015 with our hearts full of love.  Love for all that we are, and for all that we can become.

With love as the center of intention, the first chapter of 2015 is off to a promising start!

From My Heart to Yours!


The Fourth Advent Candle




Today is the day when we light the Fourth Advent Candle, and I am reminded of that the Fourth Candle is known as the Angel's Candle.

In the Christian world that means that the Angel Gabriel came to Mary with a message.  He told her that nothing is impossible with the power of God.

The Angel Gabriel also appears in other religions as well.  In Islam, the Angel Gabriel is seen as one of the fourth archangels whom God sent with his divine message to various prophets, including Muhammed.

In Jewish mythology, there is  a Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.  The Tree of Life blossoms and produces new souls.  The Angel Gabriel reaches into the treasury and takes out the first soul that comes into his hand.

With the above thoughts, I am thinking beyond any religion and to all of mankind.

With the lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle, I let the meaning of what the Angel's Candle can mean for all of us soak in.

To see the Fourth Advent Candle shine as bright as the other Three Candles, I am reminded of that nothing is impossible.  Anything can be overcome.  That is the essence of the Angel's Candle,

Watch all the Four Advent candles shine bright and reflect for a moment on your own life.  I will leave you today with one thought that I hope you will take to heart.

Just because things are one way at this very moment. does not mean they have to be so.




The Third Advent Candle

FullSizeRender I just lit the Third Advent Candle with an intention of Joy.

It felt important to light the three candles with an intention, and not just light the candles out of habit.

So often we perform a ritual or a tradition and make it a routine.  I wish for this Season to be different.  To really pause and reflect on my intention while I do things.  Like when I put the match to the candle and the flame started to flicker, I did it with a conscious thought of Joy.  Actually, what I did was to open up my heart to Joy.

To let all the cracks in my heart fill up with Joy.  Joy can seep through the cracks of a heart that has lived.  A heart that has known sorrow, deceit and defeat can easily let the Joy just seep through the cracks. I wish to fill my cracks with authentic Joy.  Joy that stays.

The Joy for all that I have in my life.  Not all my things, but again, the people in my life is my Joy.  To consciously choose Joy takes a conscious mind.  My mind needs to tell my heart to open up, and then my heart will feel the magic that my mind perceives.  It is so easy to complain about this and that, but with an open heart it becomes more difficult.

An open heart will automatically fill your heart with Joy, and you will pass that Joy on to the people around you.

So I lit the Third Advent Candle with you in my heart.  You that are in my life.  You that are my Joy.


The Second Advent Candle

IMG_1905 Tonight I lit the Second Advent Candle with thoughts of all the people that are apart from each other during the Holiday Season.

Now the Second Candle of Advent shines at my kitchen table, and it shines for all the people who I would love to have around me.

I would like to be the Shepard who gathers my loved ones together during this season.  I think that a lot of the Holiday Season is about togetherness, but for various reasons we cannot always be together with friends and family as we wish .

So for the Second Advent Candle, I let the flame sparkle for all the people that I hold dear.  For all the people that I hold close in my heart.

Light the Second Advent Candle and be the Shepard of your loved ones.  Together in our hearts we are one.

The First Advent Candle

IMG_1700 The season of Advent starts today, and it is the beginning of the Christian church year.  I will use this season and time for reflection about life.  Today I will light The First Candle of Advent, the First of Four before Christmas.  I will try to write about Advent in a way that hopefully will resonate with any religion, or anyone, religious or not, even if the Advent Season is Christian historically.

The Latin word Adventus means coming, so the season of Advent is a time for anticipation and hope.

You can put your own meaning into those words, but as I light the First Advent Candle today I choose to reflect on Hope in life.  I see the light as it brings newness, life and hope into our lives.

To take the time during the Season of Advent to reflect on life, is possibly what Hope is about.  It is a way to live, not just to survive.

For me, to live with Hope, means to live authentically admits all the problems of life that continues.  To be able to see possibility when there is no present evidence of it.

I Hope for all of you that you all will take this time to reflect on your life, and bring Hope back into your life if it was lost.  Hope for a better version of ourselves, and Hope for peace and health for all of our loved ones.

The First Candle of Advent is shining with Hope for all of you.

That is the wonder of Advent.