Another year has past ...

IMG_2094 Another year has passed without my Mormor, my Grandmother, with us here on Earth.  Almost one month ago marked the two years without her here with us.  I did not miss her more that day than any other day, the day just made me pause a little extra.

I needed to find some quite time just for me.  A time where I could sense my Mormor's presence through my breath.  I was able to still remember her voice, and it brought me comfort.  The memories of her that came flooding in were more from earlier years.  When she really was my loving, caring and witty Mormor.

I realized that the memories of her being sick at the end are slowly fading.  In the beginning it was all that I could feel and picture.  The pain of seeing my Mormor become less and less herself with age was heartbreaking.  With time the pain of loosing her is still present, but not as intense as in the beginning.

No matter at what age someone you love deeply passes away, there will always be a longing for that person.  A void to be filled.

Now that void is more and more filled with all the beautiful memories of her.  My Mormor who always made time, talked with wisdom, said the funniest things, gave the warmest hugs, cared for everyone and loved her family with all her heart.  She saw no evil in other people, heard no evil and she never spoke no evil.  The picture of my little haven in our backyard represents all that she stood for.  Peace, equality among all mankind and love.

Now I can hear her voice, feel her gentle hand on mine, and most of all I can feel the love that we shared. She will always be one of the biggest gifts in my life.  A gift that I will treasure forever.

Not even death can take our love away.  Love remains.  Always.


Walk into 2016 with your heart open


I did not make a New Years resolution this year, they never seem to manifest.

What about You?  Did You promise something?  Maybe You did, and maybe You promised something really important.  If You did, I hope with all my heart that You will be able to keep your promise.  It can be a good thing.

This year I did something different though.  I set an intention of how I want to walk through life in the coming year.  It is a bit different from a promise.

How I see it; a promise is more of a literal agreement that you cannot and should not break.  It is a commitment that for me can turn into an obligation.  It does not have to be wrong to promise something for the New Year.  It can be a vow and a sacred word for You.

Personally, I think that when it comes to New Year's resolutions I have always managed to not fully live up to my promises.

That is why I am starting this year with an intention that gives a purpose and meaning to my life.  When I think of the intention to live with "an open heart", all that I feel is hope.  Hope to feel life's ups and downs.

To do the opposite, to close my heart is an easy way to protect myself from getting hurt.  I used to be afraid to fully open my heart at times.  What feelings would I experience if I did?  I feared the feelings inside of me that might show up.  What if I could not handle my emotions?  So there have been times when I have closed my heart to protect myself.  I was afraid to feel in other words.

What I was really doing was missing out on life, and all its possibilities.  If I choose to close the door to pain, I also closed the door to pure joy.

We all have scars and cracks in our hearts.  If we close our hearts we cannot let anything in or out.  Through the cracks in our hearts we might need to let go of something or someone that has hurt us.  If we keep the heart closed, the pain will remain a priosoner in our scarred world.  By letting old wounds heal by releasing them through the cracks of your heart, you are ready to fully receive joy and pure love.  When you let situations or people that no longer are good for you leave your heart, you have so much more room to give your love to people who deserve it.  In return you can completely feel the love that is given to you.  Only an open heart can do that.  Your open heart will be ready to give and receive all of life's wonders.

It is only with an open heart that new possibilities can arise and magic begins!

Go out there and dare to OPEN YOUR HEART IN 2016!  You will feel more alive.

I promise!


FullSizeRender I am grateful for NOW!

I feel tremendous gratitude to all the loving and caring people that I have in my life at this moment.  Life is a series of moments.  Treasure each and everyone by being in the now.  Those moments adds up to be your life.  You might miss a remarkable moment if you are not being present in the NOW.  Life it is not then, it is not when  - it is NOW.

Love one another NOW!

NOW is all we have!

New Moon in Aries

aries-new-moonLast week the new Moon was in Aries.  Its effect is not for one night only.  It is not a lover for a night who leaves you at the break of dawn.  This new Moon can have an affect on you for many days, like a new crush hanging around.  This new Moon is positive, just like a new love.  It  can also be seen as a spring awakening, rebooting our systems for an entire year.  As we do with a newfound love interest, we need to feel our way through the energies within us to make the best of it. A new Moon will always give you a portal of two weeks in which to work, and the actions you take in that window of time can have the power to affect you positively for an entire year.  So let us make this new love affair to get off to a good start.  "How can I do that?", you wonder.  Here are a few things to consider during this time period, all to maximize the energy within you right now:

Let anger lead you to passion

This might sound strange, but anger does not need to be a negative emotion in and of itself.  It is how we use it that matters.  It is time to find that inner warrior, because the things that upset us are often the pointers to our passion.  We can start to create a constructive change, fighting the good fight for our beliefs.

* Find your fight

Try to think if you might have given up on something or someone too soon?  If so, dust yourself off and go back to fight for what you deserve and want in your life.  If you do not know what your fight and desire is, be still and it will find you.

* Be selfish ... for a cause 

There is a great saying that rings true in regards to this matter that I am trying to take to heart.  Hopefully it will ring true for you as well:  "There can be a desire to receive to share, or the desire to receive for self alone".  When we want something just for ourselves, we burn out fast.  When we desire an abundant life for others, the universe is happy to give us more and more.

Aries energy can stun us with its entitlement.  It can also inspire us.  Aries are unafraid and want more - and this can be the basis for our inspiration to desire more.  For others.

* Tune your passion meter to E (for excitement)

When was the last time you truly felt genuine excitement and joy about something?  The Aries new Moon prompts us to awaken a spine-tingling feeling.  Let that blood pump through your veins so you can feel every beat, springing you into action.  Passion is an essential element of living a fulfilled life, and the Aries new Moon serves us as a reminder.  Emotions are E-motion.  When we can FEEL something, we can move it.  So let joy and passion help us get unstuck.

* Embrace your inner fame

This new Moon wants us to pursue our passions and awaken our gifts.  The journey starts with a baby step in the right direction towards your passion and dream.  Dare to take that first step to the unknown.

* But do not let it go to your head ...

With all the daring energy swirling around, there is also a good deal of stress that accompanies it.  As the "head" of the zodiac, Aries rules the cranium and this new Moon turns our healing focus there.  So maybe go for a scalp massage or ask someone to gently rub your neck and shoulders, which are often the cause of cranial agony.  Also, remember to stay hydrated and take note of your breathing.  Make sure that you stop to take a break a few times per day, and take several deep breaths to let your mind and body relax.  This will hopefully prevent you from getting tension headaches.

So let Aries send you focusing on creative opportunities, sharing your gift with others and letting new beginnings begin!



Solar Eclipse and Spring Equinox

tumblr_n4spa3LUUk1r7ahobo1_1280 This day started with a total Solar Eclipse that could be seen in parts of the world.  Thirteen hours later the Spring Equinox began.  The Moon tonight is a very powerful New Moon, so there are a lot of different energies in the atmosphere at the same time.

Today is associated with "new beginnings" in our lives.  That can mean a new beginning for certain things or just a need to permanently end certain things.  Right now it is important to remember the saying "an ending is also a beginning".

Maybe there are things, situations, relationships, etc. that do not serve us well anymore.  This is a time to wash away negative aspects in your life, aspects which do not reflect who you truly are.  Pause and tune in to your true self.  This is all about that we are at a choice point.  It is the end of avoidance.

Surrender to the flow of life.   Let regret, shame, sorrow or sadness for chances now gone go.  They were not for this time.

So pause and listen to the original story of your soul.