Being Enough

imageLately I have been reading a lot about that we need to realize that we are enough as we are.  I am sure you have as well.  The topic is a popular one.  For me it started as a self-discovering journey while I took Brené Brown's class based on her book "The Gift of Imperfection - Let Go of Who You Think You are Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are."

It is difficult to  tell you in words what a change-shifter the class was, as reading her book.  As a matter of fact, I have read all her books.  They all have different messages, but the core of each book is that we need to dare to embrace ourselves for who we are.  Plus equally important, we need to accept and embrace others for who they are.  As long as they are not harmful -  physically, verbally or emotional abusive.  We might not agree of someone's choices in life but it is not our place to judge.  They are walking their own path for their own reasons, and so is each and everyone of us.

Recently I realized that I am surrounded by some people who judge others constantly, which made me choose not to engage in conversations with those people at this time.  All it did was emotionally drain and hurt me.

I wish to be surrounded by open-minded, and even more importantly open-hearted people.  I am lucky enough to have those kind of people in my life, and for that I am eternally grateful.  I have a choice whom I socialize and engage with.  So do you.

This all came to light through the class I took and it opened my eyes for my own judgements.  Mostly I constantly judge and criticize myself in my own head, more than I consciously judge others.  If I am not good enough through my own eyes, how could I be in someone else's?

I will not invent the wheel here again.  I am just pondering what being enough really means.  As usual it will mean a different thing for different people.  When I think of the statement that "I am enough", I have a hard time to relate.

I often feel that I should be a better mother, a better partner, a better friend, more physically active, smarter, and most of all I feel that I should give more love to other people in general.  So I am NOT enough in my own mind.  Is this negative self-talk helping me in any way?  Absolutely not.

My new ritual before going to bed is to go through the day and focus on if I did anything well that day.  Any action with a kind heart is what my mind is searching for.  Not a flaw in my face that I can see in the mirror just before bed, but I am taking a good look inside myself.  Maybe most nights I can only come up with one thing, and that is ENOUGH.

I am enough as long as my intentions are to bring out the best in me towards others.

The flip side of the coin is about setting healthy boundaries with people in your life.  When someone oversteps your boundary and you are able to say to that person: "it is enough", you are letting them know it is time to respect you and your boundaries.  When you can set healthy boundaries in your life, then one epiphany comes naturally; I AM ENOUGH!

I do not need to loose more weight, be in shape or do more for others.  I am enough in just the way I am and do things.  I needed to through in "do things" here, as actions speaks louder than words.

I do not need to fill my schedule with more superficial things.  I need to fill my time with people and activities that will nurture my soul.

If I can say "NO" and "THAT IS ENOUGH" to people and circumstances that only brings emotional stress to me, then I have come a long way.

Then I can say that I AM ENOUGH, as I have said yes to myself by saying no to others.

So far I am a work in progress.

What about you?

Allow yourself to feel

A week ago my emotional inner self was in turmoil. Only one person knew what I was dealing with that day. We all have those days ... but what I had that day was a friend who left this amazing mermaid with a beautiful quote on my doorstep. More tears flooded -  - now out of gratefulness!I'm so lucky who have people in my life that doesn't live life on the surface. That they are not afraid to be vulnerable and feel deeply. Because that's exactly what I was doing that day (and many other days). I felt deeply ... Dare to feel ... Feelings are never wrong ... It's what we do with them that matters

#emotional,#moment,#feeling #vulnerable,#deep,#sadness #loving,#understanding #compassionate,#friendship #grateful,#soul,#heart,#live #love,#life,#now


Super Moon and Solar Eclipse

FullSizeRender The sky is powerful tonight, as there will be a Super Moon and Solar eclipse in enchanting, ethereal Pisces.

This will bring a flood of compassionate and healing energy to our planet Earth, while also exposing what's been hidden.

Be prepared to welcome the new and unexpected, as eclipses can bring sudden changes and reinventions.  Look back to journals, memories, and life changes from March 20, 2015, for clues to what may resurface or move into its next phase of development on March 8.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, planet of the subconscious and illusions.  We may just have to stop fighting and go with the flow.

Magic is possible today, so suspend all beliefs.  As an example; Albert Einstein, whose theory of relativity turned our concept of reality on its head, was a Pisces.

The Pisces new moon prods us to consider that maybe what we think we know isn't the only possibility ...

Pisces is the sign of surrender and release.  Under the spell of the intuition sign, we'd all do well to hand over the metaphorical reins to the universe - which might have a better plan than whatever our mortal minds can concoct.  Be lead by your curiosity and not your anxiety.  You are being guided, so pay attention.

Daydreamer Pisces encourages you to ride a divinely inspired wave.  Pisces new moon encourages you to follow your muse.

I am following mine, which means that I am listening to my heart and do not question the messages I receive with every heartbeat.  Dare to walk to your own beat, step out to the unknown and find a new world that only you can see and feel.

That is how you best harvest this Super Moon and Solar Eclipse, and I wish you all a fruitful harvest - in mind, body and soul.

You have probably already guessed it; yes I am a Pisces.  So what I wrote above is my truth.  What is yours?