Full Moon Meditation ✨🌕✨

About 10 days ago I posted this (see below) on my personal FB page. Even if the days have gone by, I believe the message is still relevant ... the effect of the moon affects us for about 2 weeks prior, and then two weeks after...✨🌕✨


Tonight it was all about sitting still, receiving and to listen ...

The Full Moon is in Pieces ♓️🐟🐟... fish go deep, deep ... They search for the meaning of life ...

Tonight I had to dare to take off my armor and be vulnerable - so I could "find myself" again 💜

By concentrating on my breathing,  my heart expanded and the magnetism from the Moon pulled on every string to show ME who I AM at the core. 

It was a time of letting go of what does not serve me anymore: habits, situations and relationships. All in the spirit to listen to the pure me. 
Not to continue acting accordingly to please others, only to loose myself. 
But to let my heart, spirit and body be in alignment in the deepest depth.  

Tonight was full of emotions, difficult presence, and at the end heartfelt inner peace. 

Thank you so much Jessica , for suggesting to meditate tonight. To be gentle with myself, and to hold MY heart close to ME💜🙏💜

So on this mysterious moonlit night I will say goodnight with a question (that I heard from Jessica Vesterlund) for all of you:




Full Moon Meditation

Setting my intentions for today's Full Moon ...

I received some powerful questions from THE Jessica Vesterlund ... and now I need to sit quietly and listen inwards.

The answers will come ...
Those answers will be my intentions for tonight's Full Moon Meditation ✨🌕✨

The common thread with all the intentions are:

*What is your strength and how can you show that you're standing in your own powerful truth?

*Step out with your mind-heart-soul in alignment💜

THAT is the TRUE YOU❣️✨

FEEL it - LIVE it - BE it ✨💜✨



International Peace Day - Every Day


Yesterday was International Peace Day 💙 That should be EVERY day ... Peace starts with love ❤️ It starts with you and I ... Do we love ourselves? We need to give peace to our own hearts first. Then we have a gift ... and with every gift you give it away ...

Or in this case, you pass your inner peaceful love forward and keep the love and peace still beating to the rhythm of your own heartbeat❣️ Your inner love and peace will circle around and touch others. Keep loving yourself, keep loving each other ...

LOVE is the only way towards PEACE ❤️☮️❤️☮️

Advent First 2015


Today is the first Advent and we lit the first candle with anticipation for what is to come. In our family the burning candle was also for our snuggle-loved puppy, Kingsley. He slept his way to the other side earlier today ... Our hearts are breaking and there is no end to my tears today. I only find comfort in that he doesn't suffer anymore. We were fortunate to be able to love him with all our hearts until the end. I am anticipating what may come with a broken heart. But it's in the crack of our hearts light can shine in.

Valentine's Day

IMG_3375 Valentine's Day was just a commercialized day for me until exactly a year ago.  All the other years it just felt it was different stores selling superficial love.  All the chocolate and the flowers in the world to buy on one day has nothing to do with love.

It is nice to acknowledge one another, so of course I have been on both the giving and the receiving end on Valentine's Day.  Many of us make an effort today to show the ones we love that they are appreciated.  Something we should do every day, not just one day out of 365 days.

The way we show and give love is different for everyone.  So is how we feel that we are loved.  But the daily love that we all can show each other is to show up and be present with the ones you love.  Your full attention and company is the greatest gift.

If you are far away from someone you love you can show up in other ways.  A phone call shows that you care.  To hear the other person's voice can be balm for the soul.

Love does not know distance.  Only distant people have a hard time to reach someones heart.

A year ago my feelings about today totally changed with the funeral of My beloved Mormor (Grandmother) on Valentine's Day.  It could not have been a more fitting day, if you can have one for a funeral.  Through the grief during this day last year, I kept thinking this is what today is about.  Not saying goodbye to a loved one, but honoring and remembering the ones we love.  Dead, alive, partner, friends, parents, children, animals or this planet.  Today is about universal love.

My Mormor was the essence of what love is.  She gave love to all that she encountered in the way she treated everyone.  My Mormor would greet everyone with a kind word, a soft touch and with a warm heart.

That is what everyday love is.  Giving without expecting anything in return, because your heart says so.  I am striving to be better showing people that I love that they really matter to me.  Not just today, but everyday.  I have a bit to go, but I will keep trying to give love as much as I can.  Just like My Mormor did.

She was love.